We Talk, We Test and We Treat... with kindness and expertise!
Our model of care is GP-led. We use best evidence-based assessment and treatment pathways.
Screening and Testing Visit
QbTest is an objective computer-based test that measures your activity level, ability to concentrate and impulse control. QbTest is FDA approved, widely used and a well documented tool. It is being used already in some of the CAMHS units in Ireland and it is also being used widely in 13 countries worldwide by over 10,000 clinicians.
We are the first practice to introduce QbTest for adults in Ireland.
Blood tests, baseline clinical measurements, and an ECG* to establish your suitability for medication to treat ADHD.
* An ECG will be arranged if there is a clinical indication.
Standardised rating scales for ADHD.
GP Assessment Visit
- This in-person visit involves a full assessment by a doctor, with specialist training in ADHD. Before this visit, the doctor will review the test results from the previous visit.
- The doctor will take a full detailed medical, personal and mental health history.
- You will have a careful assessment of your ADHD symptoms. The doctor will also use evidence-based rating scales.
- For patients with confirmed diagnosis from another service please see further details below.
Do-IT profiler is a screening tool for neurodiversity, including ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dyscalculia, Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia, Developmental Language Disorder.
If during your assessment we feel that this profiler tool may be helpful we will send it to you by email and ask you to complete it. It is not necessary for everyone to complete and this will decided on an individual basis. This will be communicated clearly to you following your consultation with the doctor.
The “Do-IT profiler” is not diagnostic for neurodiverse conditions but will confirm areas of strength and challenges. The “Do-IT profiler” report can be used to put in place strategies to help. It can also be used as a starting place for further in-depth diagnostic evaluation.
Collateral history, from a person who is close to you, is an integral part of your ADHD assessment.
Ideally a person who knew you in childhood should attend the GP assessment visit. If this is not possible, we will give you collateral history forms for a family member or friend to fill out. Please be aware that an ADHD assessment can not be completed without a reliable collateral history except in very rare circumstances.
Results of your Assessment
- We will take time as a team to review and discuss the various elements of your assessment (QbTest, standardised rating scales, clinical interview).
- The result of this team discussion will be communicated to you at a time and date that suits you (usually within one week of the assessment).
- Where a diagnosis of ADHD is straightforward, the diagnosis will be confirmed and we will discuss treatment options with you.
- However, ADHD does not exist in a vacuum and if you have a complex psychiatric history or the diagnosis is not clear, a psychiatry opinion will be recommended for you. This visit will be organised in a timely and efficient manner with one of the psychiatrists who have specialist knowledge of ADHD.
Psychiatry Visit
If a psychiatry assessment is required we will go ahead and organise this for you with one of our psychiatrists in a timely fashion. The cost of this visit will be €350. Duration 60 minutes.
The psychiatrist will confirm a diagnosis of ADHD when indicated. Other mental illness and neurodiverse conditions will also be considered and discussed with you.
Treatment with medication for ADHD may be started by the psychiatrist if a diagnosis of ADHD is confirmed.
If you have a history of mental illness, this will not usually prevent you from accessing treatment for ADHD. It would be recommended in this situation, to have a review with one of our psychiatrists, in order to have an up-to-date assessment of your mental state. However, please be aware that this is a specialist ADHD clinic and not a general psychiatry clinic.
Prescribed medications for other conditions should not be stopped before your ADHD assessment.
Please bring details of any previous psychiatric consultations or previously prescribed medications to this visit. You may need to ask your GP or psychiatrist to forward these details.
Titration or medication dose adjustment, ensures maximum treatment effects from your medication, with minimum side effects. You will need a course of visits with a doctor to judge the best medication and dose for your needs. Titration, or the adjustment of your medication dosage, ensures you achieve the maximum benefit from your treatment with minimal side effects. To determine the most suitable medication and dosage for your needs, a series of appointments with a doctor will be required, as everyone responds differently to medication.
All medication is adjusted on an individual basis, taking your response to medication, side-effects, preferences, lifestyle and other health conditions into account.
Treatment Initiation
Your specialist doctor or psychiatrist will issue a 4-week, medication prescription with instructions. This will happen either at the end of the GP assessment visit or consultant psychiatrist visit.
You should have your blood pressure and pulse checked, with each increase in dose of your medication. You could ask your pharmacy team to do this, or you could buy a blood pressure monitor from your pharmacy. Please record your blood pressure readings and have them ready before your next visit.
Follow up Medication Adjustment Visits
- At these visits your doctor will assess your progress, address any questions and adjust your dose of medication. Your doctor will also provide education regarding ADHD during your titration visits.
- Once optimal dosing is achieved, you will be discharged to your GP, on a shared care agreement. We will issue a discharge letter, asking your GP to continue your prescription.
Annual Review
At your annual review your doctor will assess your ADHD symptoms and administer repeat “Do-IT profilers” and ADHD symptom rating scales. Your medication will be reviewed and adjusted if required.
A detailed report will be sent to you and to your GP.
Patients with confirmed diagnosis from another service
New patients with confirmed diagnosis from another service: GP assessment €600 (this must be paid in full at the time of booking). In some cases, a consultant psychiatry assessment will also be required.
With all patients who have not been seen before we offer a full GP assessment so that we can make a thorough assessment of your current needs. We also do bloods, and ECG* and baseline clinical assessment. If you already have a diagnosis of ADHD and would like to be seen at our practice, please complete this form and we will contact you to book a GP assessment.
- Please send reports detailing your previous assessments. Please send us an outline of your current concerns.
- Please bring a family member to this visit to provide collateral history where possible.
To learn more about each phase & fees please download the ADHDdoc at a Glance for Confirmation of Diagnosis.
* An ECG will be arranged if there is a clinical indication.
QbTest €300
Follow up QbTest or QbTest for patients with existing diagnosis. This includes a telephone call by a GP to explain the QbTest results to you.